Why hire a Web Designer?

It would seem a valid question. After all, if you believe the ads it is remarkably simple to create an award winning website just using a template. Just drop and drag and voila, a great website! That's if you believe the ads. I had one of those dads, you know, the...

Viera the Foster Dog

I have been reading several articles about dressing up rescue dog photos to make them more appealing to adopters, so here is a little work on my foster dog. Viera is really shy, but will blossom with some love and attention. So I put her on a background of yellow...

Why Web Design?

I can't deny that I entered this class with a bit of a hidden agenda.  After 12 years of teaching, 10 of that spent teaching Special Education, I believe I have finally realized a condition known as burnout.  Eighty percent of my students are bright, lively and...

Tech Thoughts

Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless.

–Thomas Edison